Eco Nuts Soap Berries Net Worth
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Eco Nuts Soap Berries Net Worth

$1.16 Million


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Eco Nuts Soap Berries Net Worth, Eco Nuts, Shark Tank Pitch, Usage, Benefits, Where to Buy, and many more in this article. The annual sales of Eco Nuts Soap Berries are $1 million as of July 2021. Eco Nuts Soap Berries’ current estimated net worth is $1.16 million.

What is the Eco Nuts Soap Berries net worth?

Eco Nuts Soap Berries has a $1.16 million net worth. Are you trying to find a sustainable and environmentally friendly substitute for conventional laundry detergents?

Try eco nuts soap berries right away! These tiny dried fruits are gaining popularity due to their efficiency, affordability, and advantages for the environment.

But how much are they actually worth? We’ll go into the value of eco nuts soap berries in this blog post, as well as their uses, advantages, and sources. Also, check Numilk’s Net Worth.

So have a seat and discover this eco-friendly, all-natural laundry solution that will leave your clothes clean!

Company NameEco Nuts
Net Worth$1.16 million
Started In2009
FounderMona Weiss and Scott Shields
ProductOrganic, All Natural Laundry Detergent
HeadquarterLawndale, California, United States of America

How are Eco Nut Soap Berries?

An all-natural, plant-based substitute for conventional laundry detergents that contain harsh chemicals and artificial smells is eco nuts soap berries.

The Sapindus mukorossi tree, which mostly grows in India and Nepal, is the source of these soap berries.

These fruits’ dried shells contain saponin, a natural detergent that when in contact with water, produces a sudsy lather.

This makes them ideal for use as shampoo, dishwashing liquid, or even laundry detergent!

Up to 10 loads of laundry may be done using only one eco nut, making them very cost-effective. Furthermore, because they don’t contain any hazardous ingredients, they are hypoallergenic and mild on skin that is sensitive.

Put 4-5 shells in a muslin bag (provided) and throw it in the washer to use eco nuts soap berries. Wash at warm or hot temperatures for optimal results.

Eco Nuts Soap Berries Net Worth
Image source: Google, Eco Nuts Soap Berries

However, there’s still more! Eco nuts have uses outside of the laundry room; try mixing some with vinegar for a natural window cleaner or adding some to boiling water for an all-purpose cleaner.

Eco nuts soap berries offer a simple method to choose environmentally responsible options without compromising performance or practicality.

Introduction of Eco Nuts Soap Berries

For a very long time, soap nuts have served as a natural alternative to laundry detergent made of chemicals.

They are berries (also known as soap berries) that are made entirely of natural detergent, making them a secure alternative for anyone with nut allergies or delicate skin.

Due to the tough outer shell that develops as the fruit dries, they are referred to as “nuts” in their name.
Saponin, a natural surfactant found in soapberries, has been used for millennia to clean skin and clothing.

Natural and hypoallergenic alternatives to conventional laundry detergents include Organic Eco Nuts Soap Berries.

Soap nuts don’t offer the same aesthetic effects as commercial detergents, which frequently rely on artificial foaming chemicals to produce lots of bubbles and froth.

Families with young children, people with sensitive skin, or anybody else wishing to switch to a more environmentally friendly cleaning regimen can feel safe using these soap berries.

The berries release saponin when they have stirred around in the water, softly cleaning clothes without the use of harsh chemicals.

They can successfully clean laundry without irritating people because they are kind to sensitive fabrics and colors.

Foam is not a good measure of cleaning effectiveness, and soap nuts’ natural surfactants can successfully clean clothes without the need for excessive foam.

Founder of Eco Nuts

Eco Nuts are advertised as a reusable, biodegradable, and hypoallergenic product that can withstand 10 loads.

Mona Weiss and Scott Shields, the brand’s founders, created Eco Nuts to provide a less expensive and environmentally beneficial alternative to traditional fabric softener and laundry detergent.

Mona and Scott offered a practical solution that had a good influence on the environment by adding Eco Nut berries in a tiny pouch during laundry. Up to ten times can be obtained from each soapberry.

Use instructions for Eco Nuts Soap Berries


Simply put 4–5 eco nuts soap berries in a muslin bag or sock and knot it up to use them for laundry.

Start the desired wash cycle in the washing machine while placing the bag of soap nuts in there with your laundry.

The saponin that the soap nuts produce functions as a natural detergent. They can be used repeatedly until they deteriorate and crumble.


You can make a soap nut liquid for dishwashing by simmering a few soap nuts in water for about ten minutes. Strain the liquid into a container after allowing it to cool.

This soap nut liquid can be applied directly to a sponge or diluted with water to be used as a dishwashing liquid.

Cleaning Surfaces

Use the previously mentioned boiling technique to make a soap nut liquid that may be used to clean surfaces like worktops, floors, or bathroom fixtures.

Fill a spray bottle with the liquid, then spray and clean surfaces as needed. The soap nuts’ all-natural cleaning abilities will aid in the efficient removal of filth and grime.

Individual Care

You can also use soap nuts for personal hygiene. Making a soap nut liquid and applying it to wet hair can be used as a natural shampoo.

In addition to being a mild and chemical-free body wash, soap nut liquid can also be used for that purpose.


The Soapberry (or soapnut) trees favour uncultivated, poor soil by nature. Therefore, they don’t require chemicals or pesticides to grow.

There are no chemicals or poisons of any kind in soapberries. Additionally, they are contained in recyclable, environmentally friendly packaging.

Eco Nuts Soap Nuts are all-natural and excellent for septic and greywater systems.

Eco Berries Soap Nuts Before Shark Tank

Mona and Scott started collecting nuts in 2009, eco-friendly packaging them and selling them anywhere they could find a market.

They offered their goods for sale in real stores, at art fairs, and online.

Scott Shields and Mona Weiss founded Eco Nuts, a business that produces eco-friendly laundry detergent.

Mona worked as a Sesame Street performer before founding the company and eventually transitioned into creative directing.

On the other hand, Scott was an actor who shared Mona’s goal of lowering the amount of plastic and chemicals people consume.

Mona found soap nuts while looking for an organic, allergy-friendly, and eco-friendly laundry detergent.

But when she received her internet order of soap nuts in plastic containers as opposed to eco-friendly packaging, she was dissatisfied.

Their laundry detergent thoroughly cleans garments without the use of harsh chemicals, and it also functions as a fabric softener because of its natural oils.

For its commitment to the environment and innovative sustainability initiatives in the laundry detergent industry, Eco Nuts has received recognition.

Weiss and Shields came up with a technique for removing soap nut seeds since they can leave stains and germs on materials and other goods.

Eco Nuts is a green company that makes its goods entirely from natural materials and recyclable packaging.

Eco Nuts Soap Berries after Shark Tank

Eco Nuts, which were turned down by Shark Tank, are now being sold on Amazon and the company’s official website for $7 per pouch, according to the Associated Press.

Sales had exceeded $1 million, indicating the company’s great success. After the show aired, Eco Nuts started to be delivered often.

Eco Nuts’ Shark Tank pitch

On Shark Tank, Scott and Mona pitched Eco Nuts, proposing a 15% ownership stake in exchange for a $175,000 investment. They exited the stage, however, without concluding a deal with any of the sharks.

Eco Nuts Soap Berries Benefits

The advantages of Eco Nuts Soap Berries include:

  • They can be used in washing machines to stop shrinkage while the rinse cycle is running.
  • They are organic nuts that are used to make natural laundry detergent.
  • They don’t damage greywater or septic systems.
  • Eco Nuts are efficient cleaners that lessen the harm done to the environment and the accumulation of leftover chemicals in both ordinary and high-efficiency washing machines.
  • Due to their gentleness and softness, Eco Nuts are ideal for persons with sensitive or allergic skin.
  • When the Eco Nuts bag begins to decompose, it can be composted after up to ten reuses. Just wash the bag and put more Eco Nuts in it.
  • Add 4 to 5 Eco Nuts to the wash bag before washing normally with your favourite detergent to use them.

Are they Expensive?

Whether or not eco nuts soap berries are pricey is one of the most frequently asked questions. There are several variables that will affect the answer to this question.

First of all, it’s crucial to remember that eco nuts soap berries are frequently available in bulk, which may ultimately make them more economical than other laundry detergents.

Although the initial prices may be greater, you’ll probably wind up saving money over time because you can use these natural cleaning agents for several loads.

Many people also discover that using eco nuts soap berries enables them to spend less on other home supplies.

These all-natural solutions are soft enough to use on clothing and linens without endangering them or creating wear and tear over time because they don’t include any harsh chemicals or artificial fragrances.

Of course, just as with other products, the cost of your eco nuts soap berries will vary depending on where you purchase them.

However, many consumers discover that buying this alternative is actually extremely cost-effective in the long term when compared to buying customary laundry detergents and fabric softeners.

How to Buy them?

The good news is that eco nuts soap berries are widely accessible online through a variety of stores and e-commerce websites if you’re interested in using them.

They are conveniently available on Amazon and other online natural health and wellness retailers.

It’s crucial to read the product description and reviews before buying eco nuts soap berries. Consider organic and sustainably derived products instead of conventional ones because they are more likely to be of superior quality.

Additionally, you can choose from a variety of formats, including whole dried berries or liquid extracts.

The fully dried berries are packaged in a reusable cotton bag, which you may stuff with a few berries before washing them.

It is also possible to get liquid extracts for individuals who would want more convenience. These typically come in bottles, which makes it simpler to measure out exact amounts.

If you know where to seek, it shouldn’t be too difficult to find eco nuts soap berries.

Look around until you find a solution that satisfies your requirements and price range while still being environmentally friendly!

Social Contribution

The soapberries used in Eco Nuts Soap Berries are ethically harvested from the wild in Nepal and packaged there.

The women employed by Eco Nuts in Nepal will be given secure and fair working conditions, and they will be paid fairly for their labour.

By purchasing Eco Nuts, you not only help reduce plastic waste but also help Nepal and the USA create jobs.


It is clear that eco nuts soap berries are a great substitute for conventional laundry detergents after looking at all of their many qualities.

They provide an inexpensive, all-natural method of washing clothes without endangering the environment or your skin.

Eco nuts soap berries provide a number of advantages, including the capacity to wash clothing efficiently, decrease waste, and save money over time.

They also don’t include any dangerous substances or scents that could irritate or trigger allergic reactions.

When you consider how much money you would ultimately save by utilizing them instead of buying ordinary detergent constantly, their net worth becomes clear even though there may be some upfront costs involved with obtaining these soap berries.

Additionally, a single bag may handle up to ten loads of laundry!

For anyone looking for a more environmentally friendly and budget-friendly washing solution, Eco Nuts Soap Berries are a wise buy. Try them out right away to see the difference!

Social Media

Eco Nuts Instagram: Eco Nuts
Eco Nuts Facebook: Eco Nuts
Eco Nuts Website:
Eco Nuts LinkedIn: Eco Nuts

How Eco Nuts Soap Nuts Work: GoPro in the Washing Machine

Frequently Ask Questions

What is eco nuts soap berries’ estimated wealth?

The estimated $1.16 million net worth of Eco Nuts Soap Berries.

Is there a shelf life for soap nuts?

When exposed to humid conditions, SoapNuts may become sticky, although this has no bearing on the product’s quality or ability to clean. Despite being sticky, they nonetheless effectively clean garments.

What are soap berries and eco nuts?

Eco Nuts are the dried shells of Sapindus mukorossi, the scientific name for the soapberry tree. These shells contain saponin, a natural soap that has been employed for generations in Asia to wash garments.

What are eco soap nuts made of?

The soapberry nut comes from the Sapindus Mukorossi tree, and Eco Nuts are its husks or shells. This tree is indigenous to the Himalayas and other mountainous areas between India and Nepal. Eco Nuts are also known as soapberry nut husks.

How much money do Eco Nuts Soap Berries have?

The eco nuts soap berries business has an increasing net worth of about $25 million.

What are the uses of eco nuts soap berries?

Eco nuts can be used as a natural cleaning agent for a variety of surfaces around your house or in your washing machine.

Which advantages come with utilizing eco nuts soap berries?

Eco nuts are a healthy, organic substitute for conventional cleansers and laundry detergents that may include hazardous chemicals. They are an environmentally beneficial option because they are also reasonably priced, simple to use, and biodegradable.

Are eco-nuts costly?

Although they first appear to be more expensive than conventional detergents, their ability to be recycled several times really results in long-term cost savings.

What is the best way for me to obtain some eco nut soap berries?

Products made by eco nuts are available online and at a few local retail locations across the nation.
Look no further than Eco Nuts Soap Berries if you’re seeking a cheap and eco-friendly solution to clean your clothes and house! These small miracles are absolutely worth experimenting with due to their numerous advantages and rising market value.

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